Fiducian funds

Investment Performance of Fiducian Funds

Find the right solutions to meet your investment needs with a choice of fourteen (14) diversified, sector and specialist managed funds. Each fund is constructed using a number of investment managers from Australia and around the world, together in one fund to manage your money

Fiducian funds performance

Latest Returns to 31 October 2024 (%)

Fund Name3 Months6 Months1 Year2 Years3 Years 4 Years 5 Years7 Years10 Years
Fiducian Aust. Smaller Co Shares Fund6.29%10.00%32.99%13.56%1.62%10.80%9.34%9.43%10.00%
Fiducian Australian Shares Fund1.43%5.47%21.44%10.64%4.60%10.61%7.29%7.83%8.43%
Fiducian Balanced Fund1.46%6.17%20.07%10.44%3.34%7.39%6.14%6.79%7.48%
Fiducian Capital Safe Fund1.06%2.13%4.47%4.09%2.88%2.16%1.83%1.77%1.83%
Fiducian Capital Stable Fund0.67%4.23%12.83%6.56%1.84%3.25%3.05%3.80%4.29%
Fiducian Emerging Markets Strategy1.98%
Fiducian Fixed Income Fund-0.26%2.59%7.67%3.84%-0.48%-1.17%-0.19%1.50%2.14%
Fiducian Geared Australian Shares Fund2.43%12.98%44.46%18.42%7.73%18.72%8.31%9.69%9.51%
Fiducian Global Smaller Cos Strategy-2.43%
Fiducian Growth Fund1.70%6.76%22.39%11.64%3.85%8.71%7.05%7.62%8.39%
Fiducian India Fund-3.44%4.60%22.70%14.94%11.08%20.25%14.11%9.35%11.68%
Fiducian International Shares Fund1.82%8.67%24.75%15.47%4.14%9.91%10.69%10.38%11.35%
Fiducian Property Securities Fund4.90%13.48%49.08%19.58%6.87%12.37%6.13%8.40%9.37%
Fiducian Technology Fund1.23%11.24%42.46%21.76%-1.85%5.71%10.73%11.04%14.32%
Fiducian Ultra Growth Fund3.31%8.49%29.04%13.24%1.27%8.57%7.34%7.53%9.02%

Rates less than one year are effective rates. Rates over one year are annualised. Rates are net of investment management fees and are not adjusted for tax. Download Fiducian Fund Performance, Zenith Rankings and full disclaimers here. (PDF)

*Past performance is not indicative of future performance and the Fiducian Group does not guarantee the performance of the Funds or any specific rate of return. The information provided here is general in nature. It does not purport to be advice and should not be relied on as such.

Fiducian funds

Working for you

Fiducian Funds are managed by our Manage the Manager System that’s based on the principle that ‘several carefully selected investment managers can, over any reasonable period, produce a better result, more consistently and with lower volatility than a single manager.


Diversified Funds


Sector Funds


Specialist Funds


Investment Manager Teams

Fiducian’s multi-manager, multi-style and multi-disciplined investment process is designed to provide greater diversification, consistent above average returns with reduced risk and volatility over the medium to longer term.

Rates less than one year are effective rates. Rates over one year are annualised.

Rates are net of investment management fees and are not adjusted for tax.

(1) Fund commenced November 2015.*Past performance is not indicative of future performance and the Fiducian Group does not guarantee the performance of the Funds or any specific rate of return. The information provided here is general in nature. It does not purport to be advice and should not be relied on as such.

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