Last month I participated in Vinnie’s CEO Sleepout and it was probably everything you imagined. Cold, wet (I live in Melbourne) and very uncomfortable. What I most remember was how incredibly unsafe I felt, even though I was in my own backyard. It was a humbling experience, and I am very proud to have supported this great cause, and raise some money for the thousands of Australians including more than 20,000 homeless children who spend every night in worse conditions than I did.
There are many reasons for why people become homeless including; poverty, unemployment or a shortage of affordable housing1, however financial difficulty is a clear trigger for many, and that is an area I can help further contribute.
At Fiducian, we’re passionate about raising financial awareness within the broader community and helping people avoid those financial difficulties. If you know anyone who needs to get back on track, some basic money management tips below just might help.
Setting some money aside every month is a great way to start building your wealth and our Financial Planners are here to help.