Whether you are downsizing to move into a specific community, have a more accessible home with fewer stairs, or aiming to improve your financial independence by selling the family home, by downsizing some Australians are able to retire early, or continue to work, either full or part-time, as part of their longer term to transition to retirement.
This guide helps explain many of the advantages and reasons for downsizing along with a summary of the Government financial incentives. To receive a copy of the Downsizing Guide, please fill out this form.
This information has been provided by Fiducian Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 of Level 4, 1 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, AFSL no. 231103. Any advice in this document is general in nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should receive financial advice relevant to your circumstances before making any decisions.